Staff | Research Team Profile – Eyad Issa

  • Name:
Eyad Issa – MD, PGDip, PhD, MCEM(UK), MRCS(Eng)
  • Position:
NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer
  • Biography:
Eyad Issa is an NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer in the Department of Cancer Studies and an Honorary Specialty Registrar in General and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery at Health Education East Midland.

Eyad graduated from Damascus University’s School of Medicine with an MD degree before completing basic training in Emergency Medicine in Manchester. He then started his surgical training in Yorkshire and was awarded the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Academic Clinical Fellowship at the University of Leeds where he worked on exploring the role of angiopoietins in metastatic GI cancers. In 2015 he was awarded a PhD degree form the University of Leicester for developing a novel therapeutic ligand for vascular normalization under the supervision of Professor Nicholas Brindle and Professor Nicholas London. In 2016 he won the NIHR Academic Clinical Lectureship award at the University of Leicester.

Academically he is working under the supervision of Professor Karen Brown and Professor Jacqui Shaw. His main research interest is in the early detection of pancreatic cancer as well as developing novel therapeutic molecules for cancer prevention. He is also interested in medical education and has been awarded a PGDip in medical education from the University of Nottingham. He is currently studying the role of human factors in surgical errors.

Clinically, he is working at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS trust as an honorary Speciality Registrar undertaking his surgical training with special interest in liver and pancreatic surgery under the supervision of Professor Ashley Dennison.

  • Publications:
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